Having been assigned a fleet of three star destroyers, and their compliment of fighters, Asha, Padawan Tara and Sando battalion were despatched to patrol the outer rim.
Wandering through empty space, they sought out the presence of the enemy. They scanned these remote systems for the presence of Separatist forces, and awaited with expectation the direction of the Jedi Council for their first mission.
Passing close to the gas giant Endor (with its forested moon) they scanned the presence of a fleet of Separatist frigates waiting on the other side of the rocky moon of Sharls. The naval commander moved to put the fleet in battle position, ready to overcome the enemy. But something didn’t feel right to Asha.
The commander
and Tara watched curiously as Asha stood meditating. His eyes flickered open.
‘Despatch Thunderer’s fighters to probe the enemy, engage but don’t commit.’
The clone fighters launched, speeding round the moon and drawing out
the droid fighters. Asha stood quietly waiting. Tara closed her eyes and tried
to listen to the force. The voice of the squadron leader crackled over the coms
‘enemy engaged.’ ‘Hold’ Asha stayed still. Tara felt a rapid unseen danger, a
snap and immediate chaos.
Suddenly Asha
snapped into action ‘turn the fleet about commander!’
Slowly the fleet
turned away from the moon. Suddenly a volley of new Separatist frigates leapt
out of hyperspace. They had turned perfectly to face them.
‘Fire and engage commander, I’m going to my fighter. Squadron leader disengage and join us. Tara contact General Koon and watch the bridge.’ Leaving Tara in the bridge of their command ship Thunderer, Asha descended to the hanger, launching his Starfighter alongside the Clones.
Having preemptively caught the Separatists’ pincer ambush, they engaged without disadvantage. The frigates on the other side of Sharls scrambled to join, but too slow.
Asha lead the fleet’s fighters out, evading and overcoming the droid fighters to cripple the separatist ships.
As the engagement dragged Defiance took a beating. With the Separatist fleet from behind the moon coming up, and although they had overpowered three Separatist frigates, things were getting desperate.
But snap! All of a sudden five new star destroyers were besides them, bouncing out of hyperspace. It was Jedi Master Plo Koon, the nearest fleet commander, whom Tara had alerted to their engagement. Quickly the Separatists disappeared rapidly into flight, leaving behind the wreckage of five frigates.
Tara rushed to
congratulate her master as he landed in the hanger. He explained to her how the
force acted, how it had guided him. He had not known what was coming, but he
followed its lead, just as she followed his and all
the clones followed theirs.
Images - the Clone Wars series, Wookiepedia
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