Asha Putra 43-23bby

Asha was born in Theed city on the outer rim planet of Naboo in the year 43bby. His parents both spent their time on art and philosophy, having done their civil service when teenagers. To them, raising Asha was just an extension of this beautifying work. 

Asha’s childhood was spent between the crumbling palazzos of the city and the beautiful island lodges of the lake country. His parents would often take him on day trips out to the most picturesque parts of the lakes and forests, and to the plains to watch the herds of Shaaks.

For 7 years Asha had an idyllic childhood. Very early on his parents noticed his peculiar abilities. He would reach to catch things almost before they fell, and he always knew how his parents were feeling and when they had secrets from him. When they found him levitating a small rock, they notified the civic officials. Through them Senator Palpatine passed on the location of this new youngling to the Jedi council. 

In 36bby, when Asha was 7 years old, he was visited by Master Oppo Rancisis. The Jedi bonded with him, coming from an ancient princely house among his own people, he knew what it had been to leave an idyl for the life of the Jedi. Asha returned with him to Coruscant, becoming a Jedi youngling.

Aged 11 he was chosen to by Master Saesee Tiin to be trained as a padawan, and he accompanied his new master back to Naboo for the peace celebrations. Asha was thus the first padawan the young Anakin met. 

Asha’s training under master Tiin progressed well. Tiin passed on his own piloting skills in his training. But Asha also developed his own interests while spending a lot of time in the Jedi archives and talking to other Jedi. He wanted to learn much more about the force and how it worked, and read extensively. He developed a particular interest in learning more about the various species of the galaxy who had naturally close connections to the force, without having high midichlorian counts, such as his master’s Iktotchan species who had a strong connection to the force, feeling it through time. What did this say about the nature of the force and different beings connected to it? 

Towards the end of his training Tiin encouraged Asha to enrol at the university of Coruscant, studying anthropology. Asha spent his time at the university studying the force in different species and cultures. Initially carrying out a study of the Iktotchans, later, in 22bby, in partnership with the university of Pantora, Asha was involved in studying the force among the various peoples of Pantora’s moons. 
